Cat Pazvakavambwa  

Cat SERVES AS a board member of The African Dream Foundation since 2011, WHERE SHE is involved in THE ORGANIsATION’S GOVERNANCE, STRATEGY AND financial reporting.

Cat is an accountant and consultant with a focus on providing small business the advise around their taxes and business structures.  With over 11 years experience Cat normally finds small businesses are paying higher taxes, going through expensive business breakups and exposing their personal assets to risk. She gives small business owners practical advice to ensure their businesses are performing within their optimal means.

A second business Cat also has is Flava Gifts which provides strategic gifting solutions to the corporate world and other businesses as well as selling their gifts online to the public.

When Cat is not working she is found hanging out with her mini me, Ula or on radio at RTRfm 92.1 where she produces the Monday small business tips segment Taking Care of Business on The Mag or playing tunes from the around the world on Global Rhythm Pot on a Saturday morning.

The African Dream Foundation - Cat Pazvakavambwa.png


What is the best investment you have made so far?

My commitment to my personal development.

Are you a hunter or a gatherer at work?

I am both depending on the situation. If I get an unrelated call, I become a super hunter.

What inspires you?

My daughter.