I have no doubt that what ADB built in me will live to change more lives, as I live each day to make a difference in the community and become an influential African leader.
— Ropafadzo Gunduza (2015 Leadership Program Scholarship)

Alumni Profile

Name: Ropafadzo Gunduza

Scholarship: Leadership Scholarship (University)

Award Year: 2015

Graduated: -

Employment: Premier Medical Investments

I was part of The African Dream Leadership Program. Since the program, I finished my degree in Physiotherapy and graduated in October 2016 at the top my class. I also got a job a few months after. I was also elected as national secretary for the Zimbabwe Physiotherapy Association, a feat that would not have been possible had it not been for the leadership training I received through The African Dream Leadership Progam you took me through. I am infinitely grateful to The African Dream Foundation.